Spain Area Codes

Number structure


SpainCode of RegionNumber

List of area codes

RegionArea Code
Albacete867, 967
Alicante865, 866, 965, 966
Almeria850, 950
Araba845, 945
Asturias884, 885, 984, 985
Avila820, 920
Badajoz824, 924
Balearic Islands871, 971
Barcelona83, 93
Bizkaia844, 846, 944, 946
Burgos847, 947
Caceres827, 927
Cadiz856, 956
Cantabria842, 942
Castellon864, 964
Ciudad Real826, 926
Cordova857, 957
Cuenca869, 9691, 9692, 9693, 9694, 9695, 9696, 9697, 9698, 9699, 96900, 96901, 96902, 96903, 96904, 96905, 96907, 96908, 96909, 969062, 969063, 969064, 969065, 969066, 969067, 969068, 969069, 9690600, 9690601, 9690602, 9690603, 9690604, 9690605, 9690606, 9690607, 9690608, 9690611, 9690612, 9690613, 9690614, 9690615, 9690616, 9690617, 9690618, 9690619
Girona872, 972
Granada858, 958
Guadalajara849, 949
Guipuzcoa843, 943
Huelva859, 959
Huesca874, 974
Jaen853, 953
La Coruna881, 981
La Rioja841, 941
Las Palmas828, 928
Leon887, 987
Lleida873, 9730, 9731, 9732, 9733, 9734, 9735, 9736, 9737, 9738, 97391, 97392, 97393, 97394, 97395, 97396, 97397, 97398, 97399
Lugo882, 982
Madrid81, 91
Malaga851, 852, 951, 952
Murcia868, 968
Navarre848, 948
Ourense888, 988
Palencia879, 979
Pontevedra886, 986
Salamanca823, 923
Segovia821, 921
Seville854, 855, 954, 955
Soria875, 975
Tarragona877, 977
Tenerife822, 922
Teruel878, 978
Toledo825, 925
Valencia860, 861, 862, 863, 960, 961, 962, 963
Valladolid883, 983
Zamora880, 980
Zaragoza876, 976

Local time in Spain


Map of Spain

Other area codes in Europa

Area Codes Search Notes

Fixed phone numbers in Spain are comprised of a single country code (+34), a 2-7 digit area code, and a 20-70 digit line code. Making a call with the wrong country, area, or region code can be costly. Browse our sites area and region codes by region and city to ensure you have the correct information for your calls. Each region page contains a list of the cities within that state and the numbers of that area. Also available are local times. So you don’t have to worry about calling too late or early again.

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