United States, Iowa Area Codes
Number structure
+1 | 319 515 563 641 712 | 209 221 222 223 224 225 ... | •••• |
United States | Iowa | Code of City | Number |
List of area codes
City | Area Code |
Ackley | 641-847 |
Adel | 515-993 |
Akron | 712-568 |
Albia | 641-932 |
Algona | 515-295 |
Allison | 319-267 |
Altoona | 515-957, 515-967 |
Amana | 319-622 |
Ames | 515-232, 515-233, 515-239, 515-292, 515-294 |
Anamosa | 319-462 |
Anita | 712-762 |
Ankeny | 515-289, 515-963, 515-964, 515-965 |
Arnolds Park | 712-332 |
Atlantic | 712-243 |
Audubon | 712-563 |
Avoca | 712-343 |
Bancroft | 515-885 |
Bedford | 712-523 |
Belle Plaine | 319-444 |
Bellevue | 563-872 |
Belmond | 641-444 |
Bettendorf | 563-332, 563-355, 563-742 |
Bloomfield | 641-664 |
Boone | 515-432, 515-433 |
Britt | 641-843 |
Brooklyn | 641-522 |
Burlington | 319-752, 319-753, 319-754, 319-758 |
Camanche | 563-259 |
Carlisle | 515-989 |
Carroll | 712-792 |
Cascade | 563-852 |
Cedar Falls | 319-266, 319-268, 319-273, 319-277 |
Cedar Rapids | 319-247, 319-261, 319-286, 319-294, 319-36•, 319-378, 319-390, 319-393, 319-395, 319-396, 319-398, 319-743 |
Center Point | 319-849 |
Centerville | 641-437, 641-856 |
Chariton | 641-774 |
Charles City | 641-228 |
Cherokee | 712-225 |
Clarinda | 712-542 |
Clarion | 515-532 |
Clear Lake | 641-357 |
Clinton | 563-242, 563-243, 563-244 |
Colfax | 515-674 |
Columbus Jct | 319-728 |
Conrad | 641-366 |
Corning | 641-322 |
Corydon | 641-872 |
Council Bluffs | 712-256, 712-322, 712-323, 712-325, 712-328, 712-366, 712-396 |
Cresco | 563-547 |
Creston | 641-782 |
Davenport | 563-322, 563-323, 563-324, 563-326, 563-359, 563-383, 563-386, 563-388, 563-391, 563-421, 563-441, 563-445, 563-823 |
Decorah | 563-382 |
Denison | 712-263 |
Denver | 319-984 |
Des Moines | 515-237, 515-24•, 515-255, 515-256, 515-262, 515-263, 515-264, 515-265, 515-266, 515-271, 515-274, 515-277, 515-279, 515-28•, 515-643, 515-699, 515-953 |
DeWitt | 563-659 |
Donnellson | 319-835 |
Dubuque | 563-556, 563-557, 563-58•, 563-690 |
Dunlap | 712-643 |
Durant | 563-785 |
Dyersville | 563-875 |
Dysart | 319-476 |
Eagle Grove | 515-448 |
Edgewood | 563-928 |
Eldora | 641-858, 641-939 |
Eldridge | 563-285 |
Elkader | 563-245 |
Emmetsburg | 712-852 |
Estherville | 712-362 |
Fairfax | 319-846 |
Fairfield | 641-209, 641-469, 641-472 |
Farley | 563-744 |
Forest City | 641-585 |
Fort Dodge | 515-573, 515-574, 515-576, 515-955 |
Fort Madison | 319-372 |
Garner | 641-923 |
George | 712-475 |
Gladbrook | 641-473 |
Glenwood | 712-527 |
Gowrie | 515-352 |
Greenfield | 641-743 |
Grimes | 515-986 |
Grinnell | 641-236 |
Griswold | 712-778 |
Grundy Center | 319-824 |
Guthrie Center | 641-747 |
Guttenberg | 563-252 |
Hamburg | 712-382 |
Hampton | 641-456 |
Harlan | 712-755 |
Hawarden | 712-551 |
Holstein | 712-368 |
Hospers | 712-752 |
Hudson | 319-988 |
Hull | 712-439 |
Humboldt | 515-332 |
Huxley | 515-597 |
Ida Grove | 712-364 |
Independence | 319-334 |
Indianola | 515-961, 515-962 |
Inwood | 712-753 |
Iowa City | 319-335, 319-337, 319-338, 319-339, 319-341, 319-351, 319-353, 319-354, 319-356, 319-358, 319-384, 319-887 |
Iowa Falls | 641-648 |
Jefferson | 515-386 |
Jesup | 319-827 |
Kalona | 319-656 |
Keokuk | 319-524 |
Keosauqua | 319-293 |
Kingsley | 712-378 |
Knoxville | 641-828, 641-842 |
La Porte City | 319-342 |
Lake City | 712-464 |
Lake Mills | 641-592 |
Lamoni | 641-784 |
Lansing | 563-538 |
Larchwood | 712-477 |
Le Claire | 563-289 |
Le Mars | 712-546 |
Lenox | 641-333 |
Leon | 641-446 |
Lisbon | 319-455 |
Logan | 712-644 |
Madrid | 515-795 |
Manchester | 563-927 |
Manning | 712-653, 712-655 |
Manson | 712-469 |
Maquoketa | 563-652 |
Marcus | 712-376 |
Marengo | 319-642 |
Marion | 319-373, 319-377, 319-447 |
Marshalltown | 641-752, 641-753, 641-754 |
Mason City | 641-421, 641-422, 641-423, 641-424 |
McGregor | 563-873 |
Mediapolis | 319-394 |
Milford | 712-338 |
Missouri Valley | 712-642 |
Monona | 563-539 |
Monroe | 641-259 |
Montezuma | 641-623 |
Monticello | 319-465 |
Mount Ayr | 641-464 |
Mount Pleasant | 319-385, 319-986 |
Mount Vernon | 319-895 |
Moville | 712-873 |
Muscatine | 563-262, 563-263, 563-264 |
Nashua | 641-435 |
Nevada | 515-382 |
New Hampton | 641-394 |
New London | 319-367 |
New Sharon | 641-637 |
Newton | 641-791, 641-792 |
North Liberty | 319-626, 319-665 |
Northwood | 641-324 |
Norwalk | 515-981 |
Oakland | 712-482 |
Odebolt | 712-668 |
Oelwein | 319-283 |
Ogden | 515-275 |
Onawa | 712-423 |
Orange City | 712-737 |
Osage | 641-732 |
Osceola | 641-342 |
Oskaloosa | 641-672, 641-673 |
Ossian | 563-532 |
Ottumwa | 641-682, 641-683, 641-684 |
Panora | 641-755 |
Parkersburg | 319-346 |
Pella | 641-628 |
Perry | 515-465 |
Pocahontas | 712-335 |
Polk City | 515-984 |
Postville | 563-864 |
Preston | 563-689 |
Red Oak | 712-623 |
Remsen | 712-786 |
Riceville | 641-985 |
Riverside | 319-648 |
Rock Rapids | 712-472 |
Rock Valley | 712-476 |
Rockwell | 641-822 |
Rockwell City | 712-297 |
Sac City | 712-662 |
Sergeant Bluff | 712-943 |
Sheldon | 712-324 |
Shell Rock | 319-885 |
Shenandoah | 712-246 |
Sibley | 712-754 |
Sidney | 712-374 |
Sigourney | 641-622 |
Sioux Center | 712-722 |
Sioux City | 712-224, 712-233, 712-234, 712-239, 712-252, 712-255, 712-258, 712-274, 712-276, 712-277, 712-279, 712-294 |
Solon | 319-624 |
Spencer | 712-262, 712-264, 712-580 |
Spirit Lake | 712-336 |
Storm Lake | 712-732 |
Story City | 515-733 |
Strawberry Point | 563-933 |
Stuart | 515-523 |
Sully | 641-594 |
Sumner | 563-578 |
Tipton | 563-886 |
Toledo | 641-484 |
Traer | 319-478 |
Tripoli | 319-882 |
Victor | 319-647 |
Villisca | 712-826 |
Vinton | 319-472 |
Walcott | 563-284 |
Wall Lake | 712-664 |
Wapello | 319-523 |
Washington | 319-653 |
Waterloo | 319-232, 319-233, 319-234, 319-235, 319-236, 319-272, 319-287, 319-291, 319-296, 319-433, 319-833 |
Waukee | 515-987 |
Waukon | 563-568 |
Waverly | 319-352 |
Wayland | 319-256 |
Webster City | 515-832 |
Wellman | 319-646 |
West Bend | 515-887 |
West Branch | 319-643 |
West Burlington | 319-768 |
West Des Moines | 515-221, 515-222, 515-223, 515-224, 515-225, 515-267, 515-327, 515-440, 515-453, 515-457 |
West Liberty | 319-627 |
West Point | 319-837 |
West Union | 563-422 |
Williamsburg | 319-668 |
Wilton | 563-732 |
Winterset | 515-462 |
Woodbine | 712-647 |
Local time in Iowa
Timezone | GMT | Time |
America/Chicago | -06:00 | [loading...] |
Map of Iowa
Other area codes in United States
Area Codes Search Notes
Fixed phone numbers in the United States, state Iowa are comprised of a single country code (+1), a 3 digit area code, a 3 digit local office code (or region code), and a 4 digit line code. Making a call with the wrong country, area, or region code can be costly. Browse our sites area and region codes by state and city to ensure you have the correct information for your calls. Each states page contains a list of the cities within that state and the numbers of that area. Also available are local times. So you don’t have to worry about calling too late or early again.
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